School of Law



The School of Law of Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU) offers an energetic and creative learning environment. The school has a diverse and dedicated faculty—whose expertise spans a broad array of legal subjects and has devoted itself to developing Holistic Education since its establishment in 2005. By cultivation of ‘Body, Soul and Spirit’, the School seeks to promote harmony between individuals and the society as a whole.

For students, the experience is unparalleled.

The faculty-student ratio supports a vast array of courses and opportunities for independent research and student-organized seminars. Students get practical training by taking the practical courses and joining a club of legal aid service offered to public.

It is worth mentioning that the Department of Financial and Economic Law of CYCU, established in 1991, which was the pioneer in the establishment of Financial and Economic Law Department in Taiwan.

The Department of Financial and Economic Law, originally set up in the Business School, was incorporated into the Law School in 2005.

The School of Law stands on a firm foundation based on the Department of Financial and Economic Law’s past achievements. This includes:

  1. Its faculties conducted research projects commissioned by government agencies and developed in teaching covered a wide spectrum of issues such as international economic/trade law, technology and law, worker’s rights, and antitrust (fair trading) law. In 2018, the School of Law collaborating with the College of Science has organized a cross-disciplinary Program: Law & Psychology.

  2. Its faculties were awarded 18 research grants from National Science Foundation in recent three years that amounts to 7600000 NT dollars.

  3. Since 2013, the CYCU School of Law and Pennsylvania State University’s School of Law have jointly offered a dual-degree program, upon completion of the program, qualified students will be awarded a Bachelor of Law degree from CYCU and a Master of Law degree from PSU, respectively.

  4. Moreover, The School of Law is actively engaged in the academic exchanges with prestigious universities in the U.S. U.K, and China through mutual academic visits, large-scale international conferences, seminars and students exchanges.

  5. The Department hosted the Young Jurist Thesis Competition respectively in 2000 and 2003. The Competition encourages graduate students to conduct independent research and develop thesis that meets academic standards.

  6. Its Legal Aid Program continues to receive grants from the Ministry of Education to promote legal education for elementary and middle schools in rural areas in Taiwan.

Key Features

The School of Law in Chung Yuan, unlike traditional legal education, aims at providing legal education with an emphasis on finance and business. The core curriculum focuses on basic legal courses as well as basic course in business school such as accounting and economics. Having finished their basic training both in law and business courses, students then are encouraged to develop their specialty in the three-profession field below:

  1. Financial and economic law

  2. Technology law

  3. General practice

Also, in line with Chung Yuan Christian University’s emphasis on holistic education, the School of Law also lists Legal Ethics as a compulsory course, hoping to cultivate legal professionals with ethical practices. To help prepare its students for future practices, the School of Law provides a wide selection of advance courses that are theoretical-oriented as well as practice-oriented.
The School of Law also encourages students to serve in its Legal Aid Program, so that students can test their training and help people in real life. Since its establishment, its Legal Aid Program has been awarded grants from the Ministry of Education for their service in places such as the Taiwan Taoyuan District Court, and Taoyuan County Government’s consumer protection service.

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