Department of Financial And Economic Law


Founded in 1991, the Department of Financial & Economic Law was the first law department with a focus on financial and economic law in Taiwan.

The Department of FEL aims at providing standard legal education, along with a few courses on finance and economics. Hence, the curriculum includes regular law subjects as well as basic courses in business school such as accounting and economics. Having finished their basic training both in law and business, undergraduates then are encouraged to pursue their career in the area of financial and trade law, law and technology, or general practice.
In 1995, the Graduate School of Financial and Economic Law was established and was the first of its kind of the country. Soon afterwards in 1996, in response to the University’s policy, the Graduate School was renamed as Master Program of Financial and Economic Law. In 2001, to meet the need of the rapidly changing society, the Master Program expanded into Program A, Program B, and Program C.

Program A recruits graduate students with “Bachelor of Law” (LL.B.) degrees. Program B and Program C seek applicants from other educational backgrounds, that is, students with non-law degrees, such as degrees in “Bachelor of Art” (B.A.) or “Bachelor of Science” (B.S.). Furthermore, Program C is an evening and weekend program. The aims of the graduate programs are to offer legal education for professional people, and prepare business elites with legal expertise.

With the immerging and rapid development of science and technology, Department of FEL foresees the impacts and challenges towards the legal system, the Departments proposes to further advance cross-disciplinary legal professional training in respond to the challenges and needs. Approved by the Ministry of Education, the Department of FEL will divided into the “Financial and Trade Law Division” and the “Science and Technology Law Division” from 2023. The “Financial and Trade Law Division” continues to specialize in finance and trade law, while the newly established “Science and Technology Law Division” will sustain the dialogue towards the science technology innovation amid the changing world. The dual divisions not only prepare students in general legal practices, but also through the cross-disciplinary learning and training to improve and enhance students’ capacities & competitiveness in facing future challenges.

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